Crops and Fruits

The crops are determined by the environment and by the self-sufficient way of life of St. Helena’s population. Useful crops clearly outnumber ornamental plants, which can be found in the gardens behind the terraced houses. Front gardens with flowers are rare because the streets have to be kept clear for livestock. The field crops mainly include cereals (especially wheat and maize) and root crops (potatoes), used for food and fodder. Vegetables (mostly cabbage, onions, tomatoes, aubergines) are given space in home gardens with the best soil. This is also where most fruit crops are found, especially the water-intensive apple trees. Pears, cherries, sour cherries, apricots and peaches are also grown. A keen observer will notice the more 'exotic' smaller species, such as the common medlar, the quince and the fig tree. We must not forget the importance of the grape vine, which the locals like to plant in their yards. In the streets of St. Helena, visitors will notice the numerous massive walnut trees and white mulberry trees. The most important fruit species is undoubtedly the plum tree, which has a privileged position in the open countryside and grows in relatively vast orchards.

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Užitková zahrada v obci

A typical garden inside the village. (Photo by S. Boček.)


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